Sometimes David and I muse about how rich we would be if not for the menagerie at Farcical Farm. The mortgage could be paid down, the vehicles could be upgraded and we could travel wherever and whenever we wanted. It sounds kind of nice in theory, but mostly awful.I have mentioned before that we can see the both goat and horse paddocks from our northern bedroom window and the rest of the horse paddock from our eastern bedroom window. The satellite image above is very outdated (it was obviously taken long before we bought Farcical Farm) but it gives you an idea of how the northern acre of the property is laid out.
David's office is directly below our bedroom, but without a northern window. My "office" (which is just a big easy chair) faces south, looking over the pasture. But I often end up working in our bedroom (on the bed or on the couch) so that I can watch the animals as our different days pass simultaneously by. You can't put a price on the value of that.
1 hour ago
You can't put a price on living the way you want and being happy. Have a good day.
You two have such a special habitat there, shared with the animals of your heart~
Your horse paddock is in the same shape as mine with the stalls at the wider end. It's kind of nice having that narrower end, so that I have a place to corner the horses to catch them if they are being particularly coy. In the end, your lifestyle and how it affects your happiness is all the matters.
We've also mused over the same things. But, CP and I both know that I'd be unhappy, so he'd be wanting to correct that, so we'd end up just where we are right now.
I agree with Nuzzling Muzzles, it is all about lifestyle and happiness.
It is worth every penny.
The best stress reducing happy inducer I have is to watch animals. I watch my snake crawl around, I watch birds and squirrels in my yard, I even watch the lizards and dragonflies!
I can imagine how wonderful it is to watch the horses and dogs and goats and kitties all doing their things....
I agree with all of you. Though when we realized that it was costing almost $200/month to keep Titan on a raw diet we switched him back to kibble. That's almost as much as it costs to feed the *two* horses!
NM: Yes, I do love the pie-shaped paddock for that reason. The stall is down in the narrow end as well, so there is only about 16' of space for them to maneuver in if they are being uncooperative.
I money in the world can pay for the joy that animals give us.
I'm smiling imaging the two of us, from across the miles...and the border...sitting up in our beds, gazing out at our critters while taping away at our laptops. :)
oooh! I meant to type 'TAPPING' away not taping....that would make it most difficult to type...with tape on the keys, eh?
word verification: gasbulet
What my man experiences after eating bean burritos.....
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