Sunday, September 21, 2008

If They Come, You Will Build It

Under the assumption that our horse shelter would arrive this week we promised to wine and dine some friends this weekend in return for their assistance with its assembly. The shelter didn't show due to gross incompetence at FedEx Freight, but friends arrived with tools nonetheless.

Last June a friend from Seattle came to visit with destruction on his mind, so we let him loose on the rusty, dented shed that sat across from our garage (note the old fence, lack of crusher dust, and presence of good 'ol Reuben). Three months later I framed in the side walls for its replacement, which we expected to be the goat barn. Four months later we decided to put the goat paddock out front and to put the horse paddock alongside the house. Thus we found the VW for the goats and agreed to build the shed for horse gear instead (feed, blankets, halters, grooming supplies, manure forks, muck wheelbarrow...). Five months later the skeleton of the shed remained unchanged -- you know how it goes.

This weekend we got the footings anchored, framing finished, rafters on, and most of the sheathing up despite the iffy weather. Our renovation contractor was kind enough to bring an exterior door that was being scrapped by another one of his clients, and we got that hung too. Our very handy friend Neil stayed over last night so that he could help with the sub-roof today, and we could not have done it without his expertise and the third pair of hands. The crazy thing is that people offered to come back to help again next weekend -- I hope we'll be able to return the favour in future.


dt said...

Install power and water and we have the makings of a sweet little drive-by espresso shack.

Nuzzling Muzzles said...

Our first barn was delivered by a private contractor. I had postponed the delivery because I was sick, but the guy showed up anyway at 7:00 on a Saturday morning. My husband and I had to unload metal frames that weighed hundreds of pounds in our pajamas by ourselves because the driver just had hip surgery and our friends who were supposed to help knew we postponed the delivery, so they weren't there.

We had a seperate stall delivered by Home Depot, and they screwed up the delivery items twice. We decided to take what we got on the second delivery even though it wasn't what we ordered, because we were desperate to get it built before the next snowfall. To this day we have make-shift roof on that thing.

dp said...

Glad to know that we are the only ones with (1) delivery horror stories and (2) a never-ending to do list.